
PowerBallNet.com Disclaimer

All information at or PowerBallNet.com is provided solely for personal use by lottery players and individuals interested in lottery games. None of the information published on our pages should be taken as any kind of encouragement to participate in any lotto game if doing so would break the laws of your country of residence. To clarify this point, no aspect of this site constitutes an invitation by PowerBallNet.com, or any of its personnel for any individual or group to participate in the lottery games discussed and/or featured.

PowerBallNet.com are in no way affiliated with, associated with or approved or endorsed by the Multi-State Lottery Association, any State lottery or MUSL. In that way the content and operations of this website have not been approved or endorsed by this organizations.

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The content of the site is published without charge and without warranty. This means that, whilst every effort is expended to ensure that the information provided is true and accurate, we are not responsible for errors, omissions or interruptions in service or for any loss which an individual may experience by placing reliance on such information. In brief, as a user of PowerBallNet.com you accept full responsibility for your own actions and for deciding whether or not the information provided is suitable for your personal needs.

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Links contained in PowerBallNet.com website are for your convenience only and do not mean that PowerBallNet.com endorses or approves any other sites, their content or the organizations who run them. Similarly, PowerBallNet.com cannot be held responsible for the content or management of third party sites that are linked to.

The logos and/or marks appearing on this page for the various lotteries are for reference only, and are the service marks and property of the official lotteries themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Answer questions about win lottery or lottery tickets you could visit our FAQ.Click Here